Maira Martins

Maira Martins (34)

Hi, I'm Maira and this is my attempt at old-fashioned personal blogging in the era of social media overload. I'm a day trader, programmer and photographer currently based in Valencia, Spain, and the last thing I want to talk about is work.

My little corner on the internet is all about photography, travels, learning piano, gardening, baking... The kind of personal stuff I'd share with my mom on social media, but without the ads.

Faber Adult Piano Adventures 1: "Morning" (2 weeks progress)

Arrangement of "Morning Mood" from Peer Gynt Suite No. 1 by Edvard Grieg. Clearly, I need to practice this a little more! I will keep working on it in the coming weeks. From Faber Adult Piano Adventures Book 1, unit 6, page 72.

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